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Chapter 13, Verses 16-18 of the Book of Revelation reads: “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666”. 

Whether or not you are religious, or whomever you believe the bible was written by and why- it is generally accepted that this passage was written over two thousand years ago. In the “year of our Lord” 2021, we are dangerously close to being coerced into accepting the 21st century ‘Mark of The Beast’, in the form of RFID microchips. Once the majority have complied with the uptake of COVID vaccinations- the window of opportunity will be wide open to convince the public that, for our “safety” and “security”, we all need to be microchipped. Not only will the chips act as our digital ‘health passports’ and contain our COVID vaccine information, but it will most likely also contain our personal identification, medical history, financial information, and criminal record; and will also provide us with access to buildings and our private possessions.

As “foretold” in the Bible, without this “mark”, we will be not be permitted to "buy or sell"- but the stark reality is that without the RFID microchip that will act as our "health passport" and proof of vaccination, we will be prohibited from not only working and being able to earn money, but also stepping foot inside doctor's surgeries and hospitals; nurseries, schools, colleges, and universities; supermarkets, shops, and shopping centres; airports, train stations, and other transport hubs; pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants, hotels, and gyms; salons, hairdressers, and barbers; cinemas, libraries, and museums; stadiums, gigs, festivals, and theme parks; and just about everything that allows us to function as “normal” members of society.

To willingly carry our smartphones and other such devices practically everywhere we go, in the surveillance state in which we already live, is our personal choice; but once we are effectively forced, by way of financial blackmail, into becoming a human tracking device, with all of our movements monitored and live locations known- there will be nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide. Self-determination, the ability to think freely, and all personal autonomy will be completely lost; human beings will be essentially digital slaves to governments, corporations, or networks that own the microchipping technology.

For the benefit of those that think that we at ILLUMINATEES have got our "tin foil hats" on too tight, and scoff at the very idea of us all getting microchipped- may we present to you Jay Walker, CEO of Apiject- an "injectible medicine" company that has signed an actual $138m contract with the United States government- nonchalantly telling us just how straightforward it is to incorporate RFID 'chips into vaccines. Don't worry though- the microchip will only be used to carry the serial number for each vaccination dose.



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